HBO's John Adams series: 5 stars.
I would recommend this to anyone interested in U.S. History. (Don't let the kids watch Episode 1.) The casting of Jefferson in this series almost made me cry. That is how I picture Jefferson.
Saint Ralph: 4 stars.
I know that this is old, but I just watched it for the first time last week. Many of my friends here in Utah just won't get it. I think you have to have grown up among a lot of good Catholics to appreciate this movie. Some may consider it irreverent in parts.
Persuasion: 1/2 star.
My wife made me. Men and brethren, don't do it.
Children of Heaven: 4.5 stars.
This is a foreign film with subtitles. It is one of the truly exceptional films that is so good you don't mind having to read the subtitles. It is a beautiful reminder that children are children.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: 5 stars every time.
My kids already love this old, old classic. It is truly timeless--a masterpiece.
Titanic: no stars, not even a half.
So much could have been done to make this movie great. Instead, you find yourself needing to vomit. The best seen in the movie is when Leo DiFaggrio is slowly sinking into the abyss. I think that movie says it all for the Hollywood view of what love is. You meet, you lust, you knock a quick one off in the back seat of a car! 80 plus years and children and grandchildren later you still think about the stupid act of your youth. I guess that is the way they all think in Hollywood.
Errand of Angels: 2 stars.
Cindi and I went to the theatre for the first time in four years a while ago. We were waiting to see when Mama Mia started. It didn't for a while, so we opted for the latest in the long line of the Mormon movie genre. Apparently, everyone thinks their mission is worthy of a movie. I guess we needed another one. Missions are beautiful personal things that you can remember the rest of your life. You can even tell your family some stories from your mission on occasion. Once or twice in a score of years it might be appropriate to share a mission story while speaking or teaching at church. No other time!!! The two stars come from the scenery of Austria--what a perfectly beautiful country!
Eggs eggs eggs
2 years ago